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It is basically D&D 5e. but a lot of the core mechanics of the game have been altered or removed. Here is a brief list of things that will be different:

-2 Actions per turn (00.12 seconds). Movement is DEX x 15 (x15 might be too OP so it is up to GM)

-No traditional races, classes, weapons, or spells from D&D 5e (all weapons and spells must be home brewed by the player who uses them and agreed upon by the GM). 

-There is a whole new quick system for generating characters and your characters stats.

-5 Step Character Generator that provides various options to best suit the type of PC you are trying to build.

-No more weapon stats or hit dice for weapon. Also, no more spell slots or spell hit dice!! I know it's like "WTF!!!" But it works like this: Your character will have four different categories of attacks. She/he can use the following attack types:

  • Light ATK

  • Medium ATK

  • Heavy ATK

  • Ultra ATK

Within each category of attack types, there are three different levels of power.

Example: Light ATK level 1 = !d4+mod.

             Light ATK level 2 = 1D6+mod.

-Also, each attack type has different action costs.

Example: Light ATKs cost 1 action

             Medium ATKs cost 2 actions

             Heavy ATKs cost 3 actions

             Ultra ATKs cost 4 actions.

-Both of your actions can be carried over to your next turn, but they must be used the very next turn. If you use a block or a combo move with another player outside of your turn, you lose the same amount of actions used when your next turn starts. 

-Both actions reset at the end of your turn and all of your movement speed.

If want to read more about the Rules/Gameplay click the button right here: 

Creating a Character

Creating a character is easy! First it will be helpful to print out the Player Sheet (or use a normal D&D 5e Character sheet). In the top right corner of the Player Sheet, you will see a small 5x6 grid. The Grid has numbers across the top, representing each step in the character generator. Starting from top to bottom are the classic D&D 5e stat modifiers: (STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA).

Go through all five steps, add up your stats, and fill in your proficiencies. 

Now it is time to start creating attacks. You will make four different attacks, one for each of the four attack types. All of these attacks will be level 1 attacks. Example: Heavy ATK level 1 = 2D12+mod (proficiency if it applies).

Also, you must choose the right modifiers for the right moves (GM will help you decide whether or not it works). Each attack you create will have a Combat Type that coordinates to it. Combat type includes: Melee attacks, Range attacks, Aggressive specials or Passive specials. Any way you can think to attack will be classified under one of those 4 options. When you build your character, you will get to choose which one of the 4 you want to be proficient in.

When creating your attacks, use the type you are proficient in so 

you get the +2 on your attack roll and your damage!! 

There is a whole page on Creating Attacks....>

NoW Go To STEP 1 !!!! Start making choices! 

Make a dude or a chick, no one cares, then make a super awe-

some lame attack that only you love but that's the point. 👍

Then buy some friends and have fun because writing all of 

this down kinda sucked, So enjoy Hairōru!! 




Hairoru!! = Roll High!!

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