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Creating NPCs, World Creation, and Basic GM rules/tips
 Let's build some NPCs. First note that there are 5 different types of enemy classes E1, E2, E3, E4 and E5.
E1 being the weakest and E5 the strongest. Ive made a chart to help you make enemies stats very quick. Always make sure to give your NPC a Class type because the players will strong against certain types. NPCs on the another hand do NOT get Xtra damage dice so they're not strong against anything. Enemies with a higher level can use higher level Attacks, E1s can only use Light ATKs but can only attack once per turn, E2s can use Light and Medium ATKs but can only attack once per turn, E3 can use Light , Medium and Heavy ATKs but only attack once per turn, E4s can use Light, Medium, Heavy and Ultra Attacks but can only do 2 attacks per turn, And E5 can use all of the attacks plus special home-brew ways of attacking (EX:Two face's coin toss) and attack up too three times in one turn. E5s are supposed to be ridiculous  
*E-1: A/C=10+DEX or STR. HP=(1+CON)x5. Speed=DEXx15.  Actions=1. Light ATKs 1d4+mod / 1D6+mod  Stats=8 Overall (add up stats)
           A.  B   C   D   E    F    G
STR.    2.   3   0    1   3    2    1 
DEX    1    1.   3.   1.   2.    1.   2 
CON.   1.   0.   2.   1.   2.    1.   3
INT.    2.    1.   1.   2.   1.    1.   0
WIS.   1.    2.   1.   2    0.   2.   1
CHA.   1.    1.    1.   1.   0.    1.   1
Make any stats you want just make them add up to close to 8 overall
*E-2: A/C=11+DEX or STR. HP=(2+CON)x10. Speed=DEXx20.  Actions=1. Light ATKs 2d4+mod / 2d6+mod or Medium ATKs 1D8+mod  Stats=10 Overall (add up stats)
           A.  B   C   D   E    F    G
STR.    2.   4   1    2   3    3    2 
DEX    2    1.   3.   1.   3.    1.   3 
CON.   2   1     3   1.   2.    2.   3
INT.    2.    1.   1.   2.   1.    1.   0
WIS.   1.    2.   1.   2    1.   2.   1
CHA.   1.    1.    1.   2.   0.    1.   1
Make any stats you want just make them add up to close to 10 overall
*E-3: A/C=12+DEX or STR. HP=(3+CON)x15. Speed=DEXx20.  Actions=1. Light ATKs 3d4+mod / 2d6+mod or Medium ATKs 2D8+mod / 1D10+mod Stats=16 Overall (add up stats)
           A.  B   C   D   E    F    G
STR.    2.   4   4    2   3    1    4 
DEX    4    2.   3.   2   3.   4    4 
CON.   2    3   4    4   3    4   3
INT.    3.    4.   1.   4   1.    4   3
WIS.   1.    2.    3   2    4   2.   1
CHA.   4.    1.    1.   2.   2    1.   1
Make any stats you want just make them add up to close to 16 overall
*E-4: A/C=13+DEX or STR. HP=(4+CON)x20. Speed=DEXx25.  Actions=2. Light ATKs 3d4+mod / 2d6+mod or Medium ATKs 2D8+mod / 1D10+mod Heavy ATKs 2D12+mod -LCE. Stats=20 Overall (add up stats) Can fly=speed x3 no speed loss while standing back up
           A.  B   C   D   E    F    G
STR.    4   5   4    1   3    5    4 
DEX    4    1   3.   2   3.   5    4 
CON.   4   3   4    4   3   5    3
INT.    3    5   1.   4    1   5    5
WIS.   1.    2.   4   5   5   0    2
CHA.   4.   4    4   4   5   0    2
Make any stats you want just make them add up to close to 20 overall
*E-5: A/C=14+DEX or STR. HP=(5+CON)x25. Speed=DEXx30.  Actions=3. Light ATKs 4d4+mod / 3d6+mod or Medium ATKs 2D8+mod / 2D10+mod Heavy ATKs 2D12+mod -LCE. Ultra ATKs 1D20x5+mod (only use once per fight) Stats=30 Overall (add up stats) Can fly=speed x4 no speed loss while standing back up. Can use alternative way way landing attacks (ex Two face's coin toss)
           A.  B   C   D   E    F    G
STR.    7   5   3    1   5    5    6 
DEX    5   3   5    5   5    5    6 
CON.   5   7   5    6   5   5    6
INT.    5    5   7   6   7   5    2
WIS.   6    5   5   6   3   3    5
CHA.   2    5   5   6   5   7    5
Make any stats you want just make them add up to close to 30 overall
 E4s and E5s can have damage reducers attached to them and other effects specific to them. I made a NPC Damage Calculator to help keep track of the various mods for your NPCs.
There are five Mods to choose from: 
Xtra Damage dice = your NPCs weakness
No Damage.         = Damage x 0
1/2 Damage.         = Damage x 0.5
Full Damage.        = Damage x 1
+3 too hit            = Players get +? too hit (you pick the +?)
There are five attributes too choose from:
Stat Modifiers.        = STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA
Combat Proficiency = Melee/Range/Aggressive sp/Passive sp
Class.              = Organic/Genetic/Mechanical/Natural
Alignment.      = Sidekick/Henchman/Anti-Hero
ATK type.        = Light/Medium/Heavy/Ultra
 Choose as many Attributes as you want and attach Mods to them. Whenever your NPC is attacked make sure to add the mod in the damage calculation. The Xtra Damage dice are already assigned to the Players characters so just note that they already have that ability so even if their attack does not damage the Xtra Damage dice still do damage. 
Reverse A/Cs (>A/C)
Reverse A/Cs are where the opponent must roll under the A/C of their target, rather then above it. (Example: My >A/C is 15 , and your attack roll + mod and proficiencies is 16, then that would be a miss, whereas if you got 15 or lower then the roll would have been a success). The >A/C was made so the Players don't rely on brute strength alone. Also making sure everyone realizes the importance of D/C attacks because if a NPC has a (normal) A/C of 26 and no one can even roll the high to hit him, then you'll need another way of doing damage so you can Armor break him enough so everyone can attack him. Or even with >A/C ( reverse A/C ) a D/C move is perfect and when you armor break a >A/C, the >A/C gains a +1, making easier for everyone else to get successful rolls off.
Armor breaks for NPCs
Armor breaks for NPCs can be whatever you want them to be. 15 is my base for the game but someone like The Thing would have an Armor break of like 35, but its all up to you. Also if your first armor break is too high just drop it a little or say its weaker against a certain mod or attribute vice versa. 
NPC items/partners
NPCs will carry better materials and items and special specific to that character. Always make a set of uses for each item and if it can be repaired or not after it runs out of uses. Put a material cost on repairing the item as well as letting them know the player must repair the whole item at once and if the item has its own HP, and the HP hits zero that weapon is forever lost. Also give each item a Action cost so that strong items aren't too OP. Make sure to write out the dice involved and the modifier along with the combat type.(also if it has any LCEs attached) Who ever wins the argument after a NPC falls is the one who gets the biggest prize ( players can only argue if they have actions left) everyone else may get material. Some items can be weak and barely do anything whereas others can be powerful but have draw backs, its all up to you but remember to make sure they're checking off the uses on items!! If the Players be-friend a NPC like Beast-boy then make sure you write down beast boys attacks and how many uses they have left.
creating npcs
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