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Creating Attacks

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When creating attacks, there are a few things to remember. First, know what category your Attack type classification falls under (example: light ATK, medium ATK, etc.). Second, acknowledge what level your Attack type falls under (example: light ATK level 1). Third, assign a Combat type to your Attack. This will make that Attack proficient for characters with the corresponding Combat type proficiency. For example, a punching Attack used at a light Attack level 1 would be considered a Melee Combat type. You would write the Attack as, "Punching Light ATK lvl 1 - 1D4+mod (Melee)," showing that the move is proficient in Melee. Fourth, choose the correct stat modifier to correspond with the appropriate use for the Attack (Example: a punch Attack would fall under Melee and will also use the STR modifier because it is a physical Attack whereas a move like telekinesis would be a passive Attack and would also use your CHA modifier. On rare occasions, a punching Attack can be infused and combined with a special power and can use the INT, WIS, or CHA modifiers to perform an Attack like "Soul Fist 2D4+CHA (Aggressive sp)." Any Attack can fall under any modifier (except CON) as long as you can explain how it is using that modifier correctly and in a way that makes sense (check with GM). Once a move is assigned a modifier and a Combat type proficiency, it cannot be changed. ***The same attack can not be repeated the same turn***

Melee Attacks are usually considered STR. Range Attacks are usually considered DEX. Aggressive and Passive Specials are usually considered INT, WIS, or CHA. But each Combat type can be considered a different stat modifier under certain conditions. (Check with your Grand Ma)

Other than these guidelines, feel free to make whatever ridiculous home brew Attacks your retarded little heart desires. 

creating atks
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Lasting Combat Effects

Lasting Combat effects are effects that last after combat. The only Attacks that carry LCE (lasting combat effects) are Heavy ATKs and Ultra ATKs. Each level of Heavy ATK/Ultra ATK gain more effect towards the LCE (lasting combat effects). Players and NPCs can both be effected by LCEs as well as perform ATKs that carry LCEs. Some LCEs can help support your team whereas other LCEs can have negative effects towards advisories. Certain Classes are immune to specific types of LCEs (check out Classes to see which LCD you character is immune too)weak against swell races
*** All LCEs are AOEs ...( All Lasting Combat
Effects are Areas Of Effect )
meaning all NPCs or Players must be either hit by the attack to be effected by the LCE and/or within a 10 ft radius of the attacking player to be effected by the LCE. Some players might want something special ( Storm... ) so make sure it makes sense or at least not to OP, in any case if its really stretching your limits as a GM, then just Use the HunterXHunter method, which is " The better the attack, the harder it should be to use or the limitations it should have to be performed.
List of negative LCEs (Lasting Combat Effects)
* Bleed out    =     ?D? (ex. 2D4) damage @ upkeep, x amount of turns
* Poison        =     ?D? (ex. 2D4) damage @ end phase, each turn until healed
* -? A/C         =     -? from A/C for x amount of turns
* -? Speed     =     -? from speed for x amount of turns
* Stunned      =    temporarily unconscious for x amount of turns
* On Fire        =    ?D4 damage @ upkeep and end phase until player stops, drops, and rolls (goes prone and uses movement) or uses other ways of extinguishing fire. 
*Blinding sight = NPC rolls a -1D4 too hit  Against his for X amount of turns
* Nerfed.        =.    subtract players xtra damage dice from damage calculation for X amount of turns
*Fear of God = NPC can't attack for x amount of turns
*Friendly Fire = NPC roll any 1d20 calls evens or odds, if fails then NPC will attack their own teammates for x amount of turns
*Banishment = NPC must move 80 feet away
*180.   =. NPC instantly turns around after being hit
*Agro = NPCs hit can only target you for x amount of turns
*EarthQuake = NPCS go flying in the air (AOE15) NPCs are prone unless success on dex save of 15+level of ATK
***Open to suggestions for more negative LCEs
List of positive LCEs (Lasting Combat Effects)
* +? A/C          =      +? to A/C for x amount of turns
* +? Speed      =      +? to speed for x amount of turns
* Inspiration    =      teammates roll at advantage (not the player character)
* Healing Area =      anyone (players/NPCs) within 20 ft radius is healed by HP dice (ex. 1D6 + INT).
*Dyer Sight.     =.     +1D4 too hit added to attack roll for X amount of turns
*Little xtra.      =.     add Xtra Damage dice too attack roll for X amount of turns
*STOVER-KILL.  =.     teammates roll a 1D4 when ever they roll a 1D20, and the outcome of the 1D4 is subtracted from the roll BUT if the hit is still a success then, the player gets x2 Xtra Damage dice. this will last for X amount of turns
*Be yourself = teammates get to use their fable bonus for x amount of turns
*Proficient AF = teammates gain all of your proficiencies for x amount of turns ( if they are already proficient in something then it stacks)
*Payday = teammate with in AOE 10 get max material
*Get the F**K up = anyone down or at 1 hp gets up and heals x3 HP dice
*Action Jackson = hand out two free actions to anyone within AOE 10ft
***Always looking for suggestions for more positive LCEs
dice upgrade
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Upgrading Your Attack/HP Dice

Each time after training there is a chance you will acquire additional hit dice that can be assigned to various locations on your character sheet. Some locations include; light ATKs, medium ATKs, heavy ATKs, ultra ATKs, and HP hit dice (health points dice). When you gain an additional dice, it will be 1D? Then you assign it permanently to the Attack or HP dice of your choosing. Example:
Medium ATK lvl 1  1D8+mod                             HP dice   1D6+INT
                         +1D?                                                    +1D?
Medium ATK lvl 1  2D8+mod                             HP dice   2D6+mod
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D/C Type Attacks for Passive Specials

D/C=10+MOD(+2      Proficiency)

D/C (difficulty class) type Attacks are where the opponent rolls a 1D20 to try and beat your characters D/C score. Your D/C score derives from your stat modifier (the one assigned to the move) plus proficiency (if you are proficient in the Attack being performed) plus 10. For example, if the Attack is 1D6+WIS (passive) your D/C score in this case would be based off WIS. MOD+2+10 = D/C. In this case, let's say your WIS is 3, then your D/C would equal 15 and your opponent would have to roll a 1D20 plus WIS (or whatever the correct modifier is) and get 15 or higher to not be effected by your Attack. Some D/C Attacks do more or less damage depending on if the opponent beats your D/C or fails your D/C. If a fail occurs, the opponent takes full damage. If the opponent succeeds, then he will only take 1/2 damage. These types of D/C Attacks are specific to only heavy ATKs and ultra ATKs. For light and medium ATKs, a succession means no damage/effect. 
D/C attacks are great against NPCs with really high A/Cs (armor break = -1) or NPCs with reverse >A/Cs (armor break = +1)


Materials are used for just about anything you want in the game. Materials replace all forms of currency as well. If the time comes where you find yourself needing any type of object outside of what is listed on your character sheet, you will be given the option to spend x amount of materials in increments of 5 (at GMs discretion) to purchase that item. You can use this action any time on your turn. Also, materials can be spent to buy additional actions. These actions must be used the round they are bought or they are lost (these actions cannot be saved). Materials can be used outside of your turn if another player/NPC invokes you to do so.
Materials can be gained by.....
-searching the area
-gifted by another player or NPC
***Materials cannot be made
When gaining materials,
players will roll 1D10+INT 
(Material dice)
Players can hold STRx ? (check your Class to see)Max in their 
Average Material Worth:
5 materials   = Small armor repair (+1 A/C Repairs to Armor)  or +1 to any dice roll or small items (under 5 pounds) or small weapon repair (+1 HP to item)
10 materials  = Medium armor repair (+3 A/C Repairs to armor) or Make small Med-pack(HP dice x1) or + 3 to any dice roll or medium items (6 to 15 pounds) or medium weapon repair (+3 HP to item)
15 materials  =  +5 to any dice roll or Make Medium Med-Pack (HP dice x2)
20 materials  =  +7 to any dice roll or buy one action and double speed or Make Large Med-pack (HP dice x3)
30 materials  =  +9 to any dice roll or buy two actions and quadruple speed
Use MAX Materials all at once and four actions = Full HP, smoke bomb, 7 small doves
*** Always keep track of your Materials because they'll transfer from one session to the next ***
Players may give other players Material from their supply, but it'll cost an action to do so plus players will have to be within 5 feet of each other.
Players start game with 2D10+WIS worth of Materials (or whatever the GM say for real)
Im open too suggestions on Materials, and let me know what you think about this concept in the Forum page !!! 
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*Xtra Damage dice are used to deal more damage to your opponent. each combat Proficiency carries a different hit dice for Xtra damage dice rolls. LCE for Ultra ATKs use xtra damage dice along with any time it would be critical (except a NAT 20 that's still x2 over all damage). If to or more reasons call for Xtra damage dice then they stack up x1,x2,x3,x4,xetc.... read rule/gameplay to see more ways to use xtra damage dice.

xtra damage

I'm being doing weekly updates on this site so roll high HAIRōRU

Hairoru!! = Roll High!!

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