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  Hairōru  (Roll High) is like most tabletop RPG's, where as the game is based off a 1D20 dice roll to determine the probability of your character successfully completing an Action. D&D 5e is the root of this home brew (THANK YOU D&D 5e) so if you've ever played D&D 5e, then familiarizing yourself with the concept of Hairōru will come with ease. If you're not familiar with D&D 5e, then please check out Youtube and watch some tutorials on D&D 5e. and how a basic game is played.


*Creating Characters/NPCs
  In this game, you will go threw five steps to create your character. Stat points are already assigned to each choice given, in each step. As you make your choice for each step you'll add the correct stat points to the Character sheet. Each step will also include various ability proficiencies, extra stat boost, and attack proficiencies. It's best too print out a Hairōru character sheet before you start creating a character.
*Movement (Speed)

  Movement can be used at any point of your turn, as well as before and/or after each Action. You can use movement outside of your turn if another player or NPC invokes you too do so; if you choose to comply, then on your next turn you will lose an equal amount of movement (speed) to the amount of movement used. Your movement always resets at the end of your turn. Players who start with no movement left can not move during their next turn.



 HAIRōRU       =

Roll High!

 HAIRōRU       =

Roll High!!

 HAIRōRU       =

Roll High!!

 HAIRōRU       =

Roll High!!

 HAIRōRU       =

Roll High!!


  Actions are used on your turn can be used to interact with objects, surroundings and/or used to do combat. Each turn, you will start with two actions (max of 4). Each action takes 6 seconds in real time; your whole turn will be 12 seconds, double that of what D&D 5e is. If you attempt an action and fail to succeed on your roll, that action still counts as used. At the end of every turn two actons will reset and be available to use. Actions can not be given to other players or NPCs, but actions can be combined with the players/NPCs outside of your own turn. 


  A Re-action is an action that happens outside of your turn, but only when another player or NPC invokes you to do so. If you choose to use a Re-action, then on your next turn you will lose an equal amount of actions to what was used. MAXIMUM of 4 Re-actions can be used until the beginning of your following turn. 

move re action
*Attack Types

  There are four different types of Attacks; Light, Medium,Heavy and Ultra. Each type has its own cost in the amount of actions that are needed to attempt the attack:

  -Light ATK     = 1 action.  

  -Medium ATK = 2 actions

  -Heavy ATK    = 3 actions 

  -Ultra ATK      = 4 actions (Each ultra ATK can only be used once per fight)

  Each Attack type also have their own stipulations. (for example; If two Light ATKs successfully landed in a row, on the same turn, then the second Light ATK Gains Xtra Damage dice to the damage roll.)

  In each Attack type, there are three levels of attack, (example; Light ATK level 1 or Light ATK level 2)

  -Light ATK.      level 1 = 1D4+mod

                        level 2 = 1D6+mod

                        level 3 = 1D8+mod


-Med ATK  level 1 = 1D8+mod

                 level 2 = 1D10+PC level+mod

                 level 3 = 1D12+PC level+mod

  -Heavy ATK   level 1 = 2D12+mod

                      level 2 = 2D12+PC level+mod

                      level 3 = 4D12+PC level+mod

  -Ultra ATK.    level 1 = 1D20xPC level+mod

                      level 2 = 2D20xPC level+mod

                      level 3 = 3D20xPC level+mod

 ****During your Turn You can NOT RE-USE them same attack twice in the same turn. This makes you use a variety of your attacks in one turn, and making sure someone doesn't keep using the same attack over, and over and over etc...

By the time you get enough EXP you'll more options on moves then you'll know what to do with.

  . This ability gives you the option to not use up to both of your actions during your turn (PATIENCE). At the beginning of your following turn you will have gained 1 to 2  additional action along with the standard two actions. Giving you a total of 3 or 4 actions for this turn. After this turn you will go back to starting with two actions.PATIENTS can only be used once every-other turn, and a Player can only hold a MAX of   4. Actions at any time. Actions gained by this ability (as well as actions gained by materials)must be used the very next turn after  you've gained them or they'll be lost.

*Light ATKs

  Light ATKs only require 1 action to attempt. If 2 Light ATKs successfully landed in a row, on the same turn, then the second Light ATK gain Xtra Damage dice to the damage roll. If 3 Light ATKs successfully landed in a row, on the same turn, then the third Light ATK gains x2 Xtra Damage dice to the roll. If 4 Light ATKs successfully landed in a row, on the same turn, then the third Light ATK gains x3 Xtra Damage dice to the roll. Players can choose to create new Light ATKs as they complete training(the level of the Light ATK created will be decided on what level of training you are currently at)

level 1 = 1D4=mod

level 2 = 1D6+mod

level 3 = 1D8+mod

light atks
*Medium ATKs


  Medium ATKs require 2 actions to attempt. If your attempt does not succeed, you still have one action If your Attack does succeed then you roll 1D20 to see if your medium ATK gets a Combat Effect must beat a D/C of 15 NAT, if you successfully land 2 Medium ATKs in a row, on the same turn, then the second Medium ATK Gains x2 Xtra Damage dice to the damage roll.

LEVEL 1 = 1D8+mod

LEVEL 2 = 1D10+mod

LEVEL 3 = 1D12+mod

Combat Effects for Mediums ATKs:

Prone = enemy falls down

Push = Enemy pushed back 10-20ft

Disarm = enemy drops one hand off weapon

Dash = Player moves a free 20ft after the attack

Kick it out = enemy drops materials

Grab = enemy is held still 

Bitched em = only works on E1 E2 they run away from and hide for a turn 

*Heavy ATKs

  Heavy ATKs require 3 actions to attempt. if your attempt does not succeed, you still have 1 action remaining . ***Also, each level of a Heavy attack has different bonus effects that hurt your oppoent automatically after your attack is successful. Every time time you create a new Heavy attack add 1 LCE to the attack 


-Level 1; -1 A/C or NO SPEED or 1D4 BLEED out or Nerfed or Blinding sight or Lunch Money= for 1 turn

-Level 2; -2 A/C or NO SPEED or 1D6 BLEED out or Nerfed or Blinding sight or Lunch Money= for 2 turns

-Level 3; -3 A/C or NO SPEED or 1D8 BLEED out or Nerfed or Blinding sight or Lunch Money= for 3 turns

LEVEL 1 = 2D12+mod.    LCE

LEVEL 2 = 3D12+mod LCE

LEVEL 3 = 4D12+mod LCE


*Ultra ATKs

  Ultra ATKs require 4 actions to attempt. These attacks are meant to do deal extreme amounts of damage, as well act as a support to your Team mates for X amount of turns. Each Ultra ATK can only be used once per fight


-Level 1; +1 A/C or x2 SPEED or 1D4 heal or Xtra Damage dice or Dyer sight or Payday= for 1 turn

-Level 2; +2 A/C or x3 SPEED or 1D6 heal or Xtra Damage dice or Dyer sight or Payday= for 2 turns

-Level 3; +3 A/C or x4 SPEED or 1D8 heal or Xtra Damage dice or Dyer sight or Payday= for 3 turns

LEVEL 1 = 1D20xPC level+mod LCE

LEVEL 2 = 1D20xPC level+mod LCE

LEVEL 3 = 1D20xPC level+mod LCE




  Players don't have to roll to a 1D20 to attempt to heal, the Player Rolls their assigned HP Dice when healing.

Healing takes 1 Action too heal another Player or NPC.

Healing takes 3 Actions too heal yourself

10 Material can make a (HP dice x1)Med-pack, takes one action to make, can use right away or held for later

15 Material can make a (HP dice x2) Med-pack, takes one action to make, can use right away or held for later

*You must be in contact with the player/NPC you are healing, and also able to assist them (can't be asleep and healing someone etc...)

  Each Combat type(STEP 5) has a Health Points (HP) hit dice assigned to it;

  -Melee                             = 1D6+INT

  -Range                            = 1D6+INT

  -Aggressive Special         = 1D6+INT

  -Passive Special              = 1D8+INT


  Healing anyone with a positive fable meter will raise your Fable Meter by +1

  Healing anyone with a negative fable meter will drop your Fable meter by -1


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a aagdtdgs.jpg
a chan.jpg


  Training Starts in the middle and/or at the end of your session. To start your training you roll a 1D20(+Fabler Meter score)and apply that number to the Training Chart, to figure out how many Experience Points (EXP) you've gained from your first training roll. Then you take your Second roll, 1D20(+fable meter score)and apply that number to the Training Chart. Add all of your EXP to the Training Meter. The Training Meter keeps track of all the EXP you've ever gained and it shows you when your next upgrade is or when the next time you'll level up. Every 5 EXP gained unlocks upgrades and stat points and Every 10 EXP gained unlocks the next level for your character. You can never lose your EXP. Your fable meter can count against your roll while training (see Fable meter for info). 

           ***  TRAINING CHART  ***


    GRADE. \. 1D20(+fable meter  \ EXP


  NONE.     \   NAT 1                      \   0

 LIGHT.       \   2 - 5                      \  1

 MEDIUM.    \  6 - 10                    \  2

   HEAVY.     \  11 - 15.                    \ 3

  XTREME.    \  16 - 19                    \ 4 

  PERFECT.    \.   20.                        \ 5

    GOD.         \.  NAT 20.                 \6

      (NAT 20 GIVES YOU additional ROLL)

Always keep track of your EXP from game to game and session to session, so you don't miss out on leveling up !!  

Traing ing chart
-=-=-=-=-=Training Meter =-=-=-=-
traing meter







  +5 speed / +1D? Learn Patients Ability to save actions up for one turn (Max 2)





10 Level 2 +1 stat /  and one Medium ATK level 1 / Unlock Light ATK level 2






15.  +10 speed / +1D? /+1D?





20. level 3 +1 stat /add one Light ATK level 2 OR one Heavy ATK level 1 / Unlock Medium ATK level 2 / unlock Ultra ATK level 1






25  +1 stat/ +1D?/+15 speed





30 level 4 +1 stat /+1d?/add one Medium ATK level 2 or one Light ATK level 3 / Unlock Heavy ATK level 2 






35 /unlock Medium ATK level 3/ 1D?/ +5 speed





40 level 5 +1 stat  /add one Heavy ATK level 2 OR one medium ATK level 3 / Unlock Ultra ATK level 2 






45 unlock Heavy ATK level 3/ 1D?/ +5 speed





50 level 6 +1 stat / add one Heavy ATK level 3 OR one Light ATK level 3 OR Medium ATK level 3 / Unlock Ultra ATK level 3






55 -1D?/ -5 speed





60 level 7  -3 off highest stat/-20 speed /-1D? /






65 -2 stat// -1D?/ -5 speed





79 level 8  -1 stat /-20 speed /-1D? /






75 -2 stat/ -5 speed





80 level 9  -1 stat /-5 speed 






85   +6 stat





90 level 8  +6 stat

 *Fable meter

fable meter

  Fable meter is meant to show how the player is interacting with other players and NPCs. The meter will go in the positive side if the players actions were good or virtuous and the meter will go in the negative side if the players action were evil or villainous.  When the meter is at 0, it means the players action were either completely neutral or they’ve done as many good deeds as bad deeds, to balance the scale. You want the Fable meter to Align with your characters Alignment (step 1). For example; a Sidekick is a good guy, so he’ll want his Fable meter to be in the positive side, where as if a Henchman would want his Fable meter on the negative side and a Anti-Hero would want his Fable meter to stay on 0. Fable meter goes from -5  to  5 . (-7 to. 7 after Level 5). The Fable meter is used when to add to your training rolls and used the boost damage with some attacks.  When it’s used with training rolls; Sidekicks want to be at +5 to add the max to their training roll, negatives count against the sidekicks training roll, Henchman want to be at -5 to add the max to their training roll , positives count against the henchmen’s training roll and Anti-Hero’s want to be at 0 to add the max to their training roll (5) nothing counts against the anti-hero’s training roll but if the fable meter isn’t 0 , then there’s no bonuses added to the training roll.

hairoru sheet 1.jpg

*Combo Action

combo action
a combo.jpg

Combo Actions are performed when at least 2 players work together to complete one action. If a player assist another player outside their turn, they’ll lose actions equal to the amount of actions used. Three different results will occur when a combo action is attempted; 

- Both players fail on their 1d20 roll = Attack misses

-Only one player misses on their roll = Attack Hits but only the player with the successful roll deals damage and Xtra Damage dice

-Both players succeed on their roll = Attack Hits and both players Roll Their  Xtra Damage dice x2

x3 = 3 player Combo

x4 = 4 player Combo 

*** Team combo actions work the same, just it’s not a critical unless everyone succeeds on their roll ***  

Defensive Re-Action Roll (DRR)

  Defensive Re-reaction Roll (DRR) are meant to dodge or block an attack that would otherwise hit. When a NPC or Players has already rolled the attack you, and they beat your A/C successfully , right before it hits (before battle damage is inflicted) you can use a DDR , defensive re-action roll , too intervene and try to beat your opponents roll score. If you choose to dodge the attack, the GM will ask you to make a DEXTERITY saving throw (there is no countering or parrieing when dodging) if successful you’ll get the option to move a free fifteen feet away. If you choose to block the attack, the GM will ask you to make a STRENGTH saving throw , if successful then depending on how much better your roll was in comparison to your opponents, will determine which level of block you performed and if you dealt any damage in response. Using a DRR is considered a Re-action, so you can only use up too 2 outside your turn and none during your turn (because that wouldn’t be a re-action..duh) You will lose an action on your very next turn for every DRR( defensive re-action roll) you use outside of your turn.

                     Different types of blocks;


- epic fail.         =.  You take twice the damage and you drop your weapon ( one hand ) and fall prone

 Happens When you roll a NAT 1       

- easy block.   =    You take no damage and the attack was negated 

 Happens When your roll is 1 or 2 points higher then your opponents roll

- hard block.   =.   You take no damage and the opponent takes damage equal to your HP dice + Strength mod 

 Happens When your roll is 3 or more higher then your opponents roll

—Counter/Parry = you take no damage, the opponent takes damage equal to your HP dice + Strength and you choose to either disarm your opponent (one hand) OR knock your opponent prone,  

Happens When your roll comes out to the same as your opponents or when you roll a NAT 20

a drr.jpg


*Kill or Detain

 Whenever a NPC is totally out of HP, the last player whom dealt damage gets to decide whether they wish kill or detain the NPC. Killing will give negatives towards your Fable meter and Detaining will give Positives towards your Fable meter

*Settling Disputes 

  If two or more Players disagree on a matter (example; whether or not an NPC should die) Each player, two at a time, will roll 1D20+CHARISMA+fable meter and they must choose a form of arguing(Intimation,Deceit or Persuasion ability check) Also even if you don't win the dispute, your Fable meter will still effected either positive or negative. Neutral People tend not to argue.

alc hp speed

* HP=(Level+CON)x10

a argue.jpg
a aaa nak.jpg

    NO Armor*A/C type D

Light Armor

*A/C (type A)=11+DEX


Armor Break = +0

Medium Armor

*A/C (type B)=12+STR

Armor Break = +3
Heavy Armor
*A/C (type C)=13+STR
Armor Break = +5
NO Armor (Naked)
*A/C (type D)=8+CON
Armor Break = -3

  *** Remember every time you gain a stat point, check to see if A/C,SPEED and/or HP has changed!!  ***

If your stat is 0 or -1 and you're trying to make a A/C or Speed then just treat it as 1 but only to get your A/C or Speed then its still a 0 or -1 and will not count as a one anywhere else like attacks or checks

*** ARMOR BREAK *** A/B = -15 Health Points @ Once


ANY Time a Player or NPC takes over 15 HP,IN ONE SINGLE HIT, SHE/HE gains a -1 A/C until Armor is repaired. IF 30 HP is lost in one single hit then -2 A/C. (-1 A/C for every 15 HP lost, in one single hit) Repairing Armor takes Material(example: to get rid of the -1 A/C, you would spend 5 materials too do a small repair on your Armor. Small repairs fix +1 A/C and Mediums fix+3 A/C. can't over repair A/c

*Proficiency Score

CHeck yOUR !!! 

+1 Class Proficiency (ex. Melee and Range)

+1 Race Stat proficiency (ex. Black = CHA)

+1 Combat proficiency (ex.Range)

write down your total proficiency in each attack box so it makes the game go by faster and more time to play less time doing the same math over and over 

 Proficiency Score is used to show how many points can be added to a roll, depending on whether or not your character is great (proficient) at doing a certain type of combat or a specific ability check. There are 3 ways to gain a +1 in your proficiency score for combat. First, You gain Proficiency scores in combat by choosing the right type Combat type ,that you choose to be proficient in ( Melee, range, aggressive sp. or passive sp.) that's a +1, then choose the right modifier ,that your Race is Proficient in( STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA.)that's a +1, and finally, choose the correct Class to go up against (Organis, Genetic, Mechanical, or Natural)and that's a +1. In total you could ended up with a MAX +3 Proficiency score to help you not only Hit your target but also deal that much more damage. Now proficiency score on ability checks or Saving throws is always +2. Nothing changes that relax Stover!!

armor break
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